Monday, 4 February 2013

Gay (Part 1)

This is called this Part 1 as I have not decided if all will be told in this post or if there is more to tell at a later time.

I should be upfront in that talking about these topics some people may not want to read on, so this is going to be a post talking about "gay stuff" - if this does not interest you I won't be offended.

Whilst being upfront I have a little confession.  I am a bit anti-gay.  Harsh words you may say.  So how do I explain this.  Too be honest I am not sure I can.  It is just that many gay guys annoy me.  I know this is totally wrong.  In my past experiences I find so many gay guys have this need to be someone they are not or someone who they think they should be.

I don't find the whole air kissing, wrist flapping and the word daaarlllliiiinnnng all that appealing.  Is this wrong?

Maybe the following will assist in explaining.  Many guys I know each year go to Mardi Gras to perform and to be part of the festivities.  The process leading up to this often involves a very strict gym routine, often skipping meals, waxing, shaving, tanning etc all to be someone they are not for 1 night.  Then after a night of sex, drugs and rock and roll (well disco) it all goes out the window and as the tan fades the kilos reappear all to be done again next year.  This is what I don't understand.  I don't "get" the need to be someone who they are not just for one night.

Conversely I have met many guys that are the complete opposite.  These guys are often married.  Yes you read correctly.  How does one meet married gay guys.  Well with technology these days you can meet these guys at the click of an icon on your smart phone.  These guys live 22 hours of the day as a "straight" married man often with children and for 2 hours out the day they are quite happy to be gay.  I am hoping that I don't have to join the dots......

Having met guys that fall into the above 2 categories it has been a breath of fresh air to meet some that are just genuine and down to earth who have made me less anti.  These ones are my friends.

People that I class as friends are the ones that you obtain something from.  It maybe as simple as enjoying their company or as complex as expanding your mind.  So in conclusion maybe I should just be less judgemental and enjoy friendship whether they be straight or gay.

There will definitely be a part 2 and possibly a part 3 on this topic.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Midlife Crisis Day

Today is midlife crisis day.  Yes February 2nd 2013.  It has been decided.  This also means I have decided that I am going to live until 83 and 7/12th's.

I hear you ask, what has brought on midlife crisis day?  There has been no one defining moment but today seems to be made up of little moments when joined together that has led to midlife crisis day.  The sudden realisation that the t-shirt I wanted to purchase was being marketed to a 16 year old, all jewellery stores advertising it is only 12 days until Valentines day (the dreaded day for singles) and the fact today seemed to be crowded with smug gay couples.  To top this off it seems everyone I know has some kind of plan today leaving me at a rare loose end.  You know what they say - an idle mind is not kind!

So how is one going to cope with this midlife crisis day.

I can assure you that there will be no purchasing of a mid life crisis sports car and plastic surgery or hair plugs are definitely not the go.

So, how to cope.

The process started with a visit to the National Portrait Gallery.  Whilst always interesting, was probably not the best decision I have ever made.  Looking at the famous or infamous portraits you start to question what you have or have not done in life.  This may have been a blessing in disguise as it led me to the gift store (do not under estimate the power of retail therapy) to look for a birthday present for a special friend.  Whilst looking it made me think of all the wonderful friends I have who are in reality my family - more on this another day, but just so you are clear I have a loving family but I am sure it must be hard for them to deal with their first child being gay and the complexities that has with people of older generations.

This quest for a perfect gift brought me back to Civic which in turn finds me seated in a funky little bar eating a very late lunch (seafood paella) pondering my midlife crisis day.

So whilst pondering and eating it has been decided (sometimes the universe just decides) that I should start my own blog.  A thought that has been hanging around in my mind for little while now.  This blog is going to be a collection of random ramblings that over a period of time give you an insight of the author (me) and how a nearly 42 year old singleton deals with his midlife crisis.

One thing is for sure midlife crisis day will not last forever as there is so much to do until I turn 83 and 7/12th's....

The agenda to start getting over midlife crisis day may include a hot bath, some favourite music and starting the process of getting back into the dating game.....

Stay tuned.