Saturday, 25 May 2013

First Dates

This week I found myself going on a first date.

It was the first "first date" physically located in Canberra since being back (12 months) so to say I was nervous was an understatement.

First dates are often like job interviews.  You pass the first interview and proceed to the second which can sometimes be followed by aptitude and psychology testing and then hopefully you receive a job offer.

The same with a first date, if you were successful you then get to go on a second and hopefully a third date and over a period of time you maybe find yourself in some form of relationship.

Well this first date started off with me standing outside venue trying to casually look through the glass window to see if my intended date was inside as they had just sent a text 5 minutes before hand saying they were early and waiting.  After a quick check of the predetermined venue on my phone I started to send a text to ask if venue "ABC" was correct only to be warmly greeted by my date.

What followed next was nothing adverse but also nothing exceptional.  There was strained conversation about ones day, the weather, what did you do last weekend, what are your plans for the upcoming weekend followed by questions about "do you meet many guys locally?".

To be honest this job interview (sorry, date) was not going anywhere and we were only about 15 minutes into it.  There seemed to be not much in common and no desire on either party thinking this would be a great place to work (sorry, date each other).

This is not a problem.  Some people you connect with and others you don't.  Just like in an interview you "get a feel" for if this place is one you can see yourself working for or not.

The sad part is that dating all seems so hard.  I have been back in Canberra for over 12 months now and there has only been two first dates.  The first was out of Canberra and this was the first within Canberra.

Online dating seems to be where it is at.  There are sites that are designed are for genuine dating, whilst there are others for intimate meets.  Some of these are computer based, others are phone apps.  However the questions all seem to be the same;

  • What department do you work for?
  • What level are you?
  • Where do you live?
  • What is your favourite bar?
  • Do you drive?- this one always surprises me as not many gay guys seem to have a car
  • Which gym do you go to?
  • Do you live alone?
  • Can you host? - think about it
  • Can I come over now?
  • Will you drive and pick me up?
There are a couple more but if you are smart you can probably guess "those ones"!  You feel like that you are shopping for some piece of clothing on line or you are a "snazzy" blazer waiting to be purchased.

I am pretty sure that this is not restricted to the "gay scene" and probably crosses all genders and orientations.

However like finding the right job at the right time in your life - something always seems to come to you from "left field" and you just know at this point in time this is what you are looking for.

So to my two first dates within the last 12 months, thank you for being genuine in meeting and gracious in not being rude if we are not the right match for each other.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

An afternoon to be emotionally indulgent

It has been a little while since my last post, but all of a sudden I have this urged to "put pen to paper".   However I am going to be very upfront as this afternoon my mood is one that is emotionally indulgent so if this is not for you I understand if you don't wish to keep reading.

It has been 4 weeks since a most fantastic overseas holiday and during the time since there has been a birthday and many social engagements.  Also there has been the end to a low key late Summer romance.

When something adverse happens we often become reflective and it takes some time to shift this emotional tide.
My mind has been wandering of late, reflecting on the past and both dreaming and being apprehensive about the future.  One should be excited about what the future may hold but the mind can take you to places of why me, is there something wrong with me, how come I am the single one, when is my "Diana Ross love song" moment going to happen etc etc etc.

Logically these are the wrong types of thoughts to be having but sometimes I feel that you should let your mind "run" with these thoughts - get them out of your "emotional system" so that when they are finally released you can look forward to planning the next stage(s) in your life.

I know you are all busting to know about the late Summer romance but some things are just best to be kept private, reflected on, having enjoyed "the moment" and hope for something more in the very close future.

A short entry this time but one that has allowed my mind to reflect, cleanse and start dreaming of the future.

Sometimes it is okay to just stand by yourself in the cold - the cold cannot last forever!