Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Grateful Saturday

Each weekend I post on Facebook an update called "Grateful Saturday".  This idea came around about 18 months ago when I remembered that a friend posted un update each Thursday on what they were grateful for during the past week.  I thought it was an inspiring idea and something I could use to try and turn anything negative that happened during the week into a positive.

Instead of "bitching" about people, events or putting negative vibes "out into the universe" I though wouldn't it be good to post about all the "things" that I was grateful for throughout the week.  I also use it as a reminder that even though the week may have not been the best or lived up to expectation there were probably a couple of really good things that happened to me during the week and that I should be grateful for them.

For example it could be something like catching up with friends for coffee, a surprise that may have happened during the week, a nice gesture by someone or something as simple as enjoying sitting in the sunshine for an hour during a week where the weather has not been the best.

Some weeks there maybe many items on the list, whilst other weeks the list can be quite short.  The length of the list is not a reflection of my week but sometimes I like to keep it simple where as other weeks I like to "shout it from the rooftops".

I am pretty good at posting something each Saturday but sometimes I forget or I have been really cranky with the world and in order to "snap out of it" I post the update on a Sunday with the title "Grateful Sunday".  Other times I maybe over excited about something and the post appears on a Thursday or Friday and you guessed correctly, they are titled "Grateful Thursday/Friday".  I have been know to post un update on a Tuesday or Wednesday, if you see those post you know I am more than super excited!

Just a short entry this time around, but something I wanted to share.