Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The "little things"

As I get older I am finding more and more that the little things that are really important in life.  Don't get me wrong here I am not talking about the little things that get us down, too little ( forgive the pun!) time left in life to worry about those.  I can say this as I have declared (in an earlier post) that I am just on the other side of middle age!

The little things I am talking about are the things that happen each day that we take for granted.  The fun joke in the office, the smooching with a cute kitty cat, the appreciative look on a dogs face when you have over filled their dinner bowl.  Then there are the other little things that mean a lot more.  The sharing of a glass of wine with friend on a sunny afternoon covering all sorts of topics; some frivolous some quite profound.  Taking it a step further I have come to appreciate the small gestures of kindness which made a "shitty" day last week end on a really positive note.  These small gestures should be treasured and not forgotten and it reminds me that I should really be doing more of these for people.

So a thank you to those people that have showered me with the "little things" they are greatly appreciated and it has reminded me to keep up the process myself.

As the title of this post implies a "little" thought.

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