Sunday 14 July 2013

Warm Sheets!

Sometimes in life you have a moment of clarity.  This happened some 5 minutes ago.  I have wasted energy this weekend on some frustrating and disappointing circumstances, letting the negativity take control instead of focusing my attention on the simple joys that happen day to day.

This weekend has been one of ups and down.  Sometimes it is just the little things you can gain pleasure from.

The belated birthday gift, an afternoon coffee catch that stretches through until dinner time, the sheer delight on a child's face whilst walking around with an open umbrella or your best friends being there after a disastrous date.  But tonight it is something as simple as getting into bed that has been made with sheets fresh out of the clothes dryer.

Warm Sheets you have topped off my weekend that has been filled with the most simple of pleasures that have washed away the negativity that can disrupt our minds.

A réflexion that is short and sweet.

Thank you and good night as I curl up into my warm sheets.